Historic Vehicle Authority of New Zealand

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

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The following information is valid until October 2024

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CHAIRMAN: Peter Jacob, Ph 03 308 8940 or 0274 712 109
SECRETARY: Colin Sweetman, Ph 03 307 7373 or 027 437 2087
BRANCH EMAIL: ashburton@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 382, Ashburton 7740
CLUBROOMS: 86 Maronan Rd, Tinwald, Ph 03 308 4595
MEETINGS: 3rd Thursday Monthly, 7.30pm (Some meetings away from Clubroom – please check)

CHAIRMAN: Shaaran Price, Ph 09 833 8575
SECRETARY: Jodi Tomlin, Ph 021 678 258
BRANCH EMAIL: auckland@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 12-138, Penrose, Auckland 1642
CLUBROOMS: 39 Fairfax Ave Penrose, Ph 09 579 5625
MEETINGS: 2nd and 4th Thursday of month  7.30pm -10.00pm, Saturdays 4.30pm – 6.30pm

CHAIRMAN: Craig Keenan,  Ph 03 322 1006
SECRETARY: Tracey Barrett, Ph 027 344 2301
BRANCH EMAIL: bankspeninsula@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: 7 Kiddy Place, R0lleston 7614.
MEETINGS: Contact Branch Secretary.
WEBSITE: www.bpvcc.org.nz

CHAIRMAN: Donn White, Ph 027 476 4465
SECRETARY: Michael Thorman, Ph 07 544 4291
BRANCH EMAIL: bayofplenty@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: C/- 11 Ridgemount Terrace, Welcome Bay, Tauranga 3112
CLUBROOMS: 29 Cliff Road, Tauranga
MEETINGS: 2nd Monday monthly, starting 7.30pm
WEBSITE: www.bayofplentyvintagecarclub.com

CHAIRMAN: Neil Shaskey,Ph 0272 896 201
SECRETARY: Rod Thrower Ph 03 338 2320 or 0211 263 529
BRANCH EMAIL: canterbury@vcc.org.nz
WEBSITE: canterburybranchvintagecarclub.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch 8443
CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLeans Island Road, Christchurch, Ph 03 359 7004
MEETINGS: 1st Thursday monthly, 7.30pm (Except January)

CHAIRMAN: John Martin Ph 021 109 1309
SECRETARY: Graham Taylor, Ph 03 443 1416    
BRANCH EMAIL: centralotago@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: C/- 114 Shortcut Road, RD 2, Wanaka 9382
CLUBROOMS: Litany St, Cromwell
MEETINGS: 2nd Wednesday monthly 7.30pm

CHAIRMAN: Gary Weaver, Ph 06 858 9908 or 0274 428 920
SECRETARY: Ella Domper    
BRANCH EMAIL: centralhawkesbay@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: C/- G Weaver, PO Box 191, Waipukarau 4200
MEETINGS: 3rd Wednesday monthly 7.30pm, (except January) Location advised 7 days prior to meeting.

CHAIRMAN: Bevan Lange, Ph:027 460 3466
SECRETARY: Margaret Leaming, Ph 027 351 0432
BRANCH EMAIL: easternbayofplenty@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159
MEETINGS: Last Thursday monthly (except Dec), Athletic Clubrooms, Short St, Whakatane, 7.30pm

CHAIRMAN: Keith Lyndsell, Ph 09 405 5500
SECRETARY: Naomi Mason, PO Box 312, Kaitaia 0441, Ph 021 265 0600
BRANCH EMAIL: farnorth@vcc.org.nz
CLUBROOMS: Aurere, State Highway 10, Taipa
MEETINGS: 2nd Saturday of each month 1.30pm (Apr – Sep)

CHAIRMAN: Gavin Bartlett, Ph 027 822 4384
SECRETARY: Rodney Clague, Ph 021 161 0455
BRANCH EMAIL: gisborne@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 307, Gisborne 4040
CLUBROOMS: Main Road, Makaraka, Gisborne
MEETINGS: 3rd Wednesday monthly (except January), 7.30pm. Committee meets 2nd Wednesday monthly (except January)

CHAIRMAN: Murray Proctor, Ph 027 649 1377
SECRETARY: Katherine Welsh, Ph 021 261 6986
BRANCH EMAIL: gore@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 329, Gore 9740
CLUBROOMS: Waimea St, Gore, Ph 03 208 7424
MEETINGS: 2nd Tuesday monthly, 8pm

CHAIRMAN: Ian Elmsly
SECRETARY: Larry Morgan, Ph 021 401 092
BRANCH EMAIL: hawkesbay@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 3406, Napier 4142
CLUBROOMS:  67 Sandy Rd, Meeanee, Napier Ph 06 835 1483
Website: hbvcc.org.nz
MEETINGS: 2nd Wednesday monthly, 7.30pm. Spares open 7.00pm

CHAIRMAN: Bill Laney, Ph 0274 512 408
SECRETARY: Michael Wintringham
BRANCH EMAIL: horowhenua@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 458, Levin 5540
CLUBROOMS: AP & I Showgrounds, 14 Tiro Tiro Road, Levin
MEETINGS: 1st Wednesday monthly (Branch), 7.30pm; Committee meetings last Wednesday of month

CHAIRMAN: Campbell Wright, Ph 07 896 6065
SECRETARY: Jacki Sinclair, Ph 0277 791 166
BRANCH EMAIL: kingcountry@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: C/- 936 Taringamotu Road, Taumarunui 3994
CLUBROOMS: TRAC Rooms, Bell Road, Taumarunui
MEETINGS: Last Sunday of the month 1pm, Town Arcade Car Park

CHAIRMAN: Esther Williams Ph 027 243 7275
SECRETARY: Cathy Clements Ph 027 286 2927
BRANCH EMAIL: manawatu@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 385, Palmerston North 4440
CLUBROOMS: “The Grove”, 684 Kelvin Grove Road, Palmerston North
MEETINGS: 3rd Wednesday monthly (except January), “The Grove” 7.30pm.

CHAIRMAN: Rob Galloway, Ph 0211 299 133
SECRETARY: Chris Bird, Ph 03 574 2318, 0272 471 089
BRANCH EMAIL: marlborough@vcc.org.nz
WEBSITE: www.marlboroughvcc.com
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 422, Blenheim 7240, Ph 03 578 0616
MEETINGS: Each Wednesday 10am for Smoko. Committee – 1st Wednesday monthly 9am

CHAIRMAN: Mike Bryan, Ph 027 223 4893
SECRETARY: John Barker, Ph 03 545 0652 or 027 911 0763
BRANCH EMAIL: nelson@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 3531, Nelson 7050
WEBSITE: www.nelsonvcc.org.nz
CLUBROOMS:  Speedway Association Grounds, Lower Queens St Richmond
MEETINGS: 2nd Thursday monthly (except Jan) 7.30pm , Social Morning Tea 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 10am, Committee 1st Thursday monthly 7pm,

CHAIRMAN: Ray Sanders, Ph 021 632 563
SECRETARY: Ray Sanders, Ph 021 632 563
BRANCH EMAIL: northland@vcc.org.nz
WEBSITE: northlandvcc.wix.com/nvcc
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 17, Whangarei 0140
CLUBROOMS: Heritage Park, Maunu, Whangarei
MEETINGS: 1st Wednesday monthly 10am morning tea. Committee Meeting first Wednesday monthly 11am

SECRETARY: Brian Harrison Ph 03 434 2198
BRANCH EMAIL: northotago@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 360, Oamaru 9444
MEETINGS: 1st Wednesday monthly, 1 Stoke Street, Oamaru, 7.30pm

CHAIRMAN: John Higham Ph 027 918 4800 
SECRETARY: Maurice Whitham, Ph 09 627 0310,
BRANCH EMAIL: northshore@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: 40 Masons Road, Oteha, Auckland 0632
WEBSITE: northshorevcc.com
CLUBROOMS: 40 Masons Road, Albany, Ph 09 479 2779
MEETINGS: Committee – Last Monday monthly, 6pm
CLUBNIGHT – Wednesday weekly, 7.30pm

CHAIRMAN: Graeme Duthie, Ph 03 488 5242
SECRETARY: Nicola Wilkinson, Ph 021 180 3225
BRANCH EMAIL: otago@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: 125 Forbury Road, Saint Clair, Dunedin 9012
CLUBROOMS: 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin, Ph 03 455 0586
MEETINGS: 8.30pm; Clubnight-Last Fri monthly (not December)

CHAIRMAN: David Tomlinson
SECRETARY: Hayden Duncan, Ph 021 939 705
BRANCH EMAIL: rotorua@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 2014, Rotorua 3040
CLUBROOMS: Neil Hunt Park
MEETINGS: 2nd Wednesday monthly (except January),  7.30pm
WEBSITE:  rotoruavintagecarclub.org.nz

CHAIRMAN: Colin Hawke, Ph 027 489 6663
SECRETARY: Pauline Young, Ph 03 686 1833
BRANCH EMAIL: southcanterbury@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: 19 Redruth St, Timaru 7910
CLUBROOMS: 19-25 Redruth St Timaru, Ph 03 688 5234
MEETINGS: Committee – monthly 3rd Tuesday 7.30pm. Noggin & Natter monthly 1st Thursday 7.30pm
WEBSITE: www.southcanterburyvintagecarclub.co.nz 

CHAIRMAN:Donald Ward, Ph 027 294 7692
SECRETARY: Carol McGarry 027 277 6878
BRANCH EMAIL: southland@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 1240, Invercargill 9840, Ph 03 213 1474
MEETINGS: Last Thursday monthly (except December), ‘Ariki Lodge’, 46 Ariki Ave, Otatara, 7.30pm
WEBSITE: http://www.sporty.co.nz/southlandvintagecar

CHAIRMAN: Robin McCall, Ph 03 415 9288
SECRETARY: Gary Beaumont, Ph 03 415 9169
BRANCH EMAIL: southotago@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: C/- 1931 Breakneck Rd, RD 4, Balclutha 9274
CLUBROOMS: 8 Crown St, Balclutha
MEETINGS: Last Tuesday monthly, (except December), 7.30pm

CHAIRMAN: Peter Deutzebeling, Ph 0274 845 071
SECRETARY: John Patterson, Ph 0274 492 581.
BRANCH EMAIL: southwaikato@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 403 Tokoroa 3444
CLUBROOMS: Stone Building, Lichfield
MEETINGS: 1st Tuesday monthly 7.30pm (except January)

CHAIRMAN: Colin Johnston
SECRETARY: Rob Thomson, Ph 027 701 2485
BRANCH EMAIL: taranaki@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: C/- 7 Leatham Ave, Strandon, New Plymouth 4312
CLUBROOMS: 1040 Mountain Rd, SHW 3A, Inglewood
MEETINGS: 3rd Thursday monthly, 7.30 pm (except January)

CHAIRMAN: Eric Foley,Ph 07 378 7006
SECRETARY: Elaine Taylor, Ph 0272 324 792
BRANCH EMAIL: taupo@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: 33 AC Baths Ave, Taupo 3330
CLUBROOMS: Hickling Park, AC Baths Ave, Taupo
MEETINGS: 3rd Monday monthly, 5.30pm, Committee meeting nights – every 3rd Monday, 7.30pm

CHAIRMAN: Graham Pate, Ph 021 280 1586
SECRETARY: Heather Boswell, Ph 021 684 938
BRANCH EMAIL: waikato@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 924, Hamilton 3240
WEBSITE: www.wvvcc.co.nz
CLUBROOMS: MacLean St, Cambridge
MEETINGS: Club Night 2nd Wednesday monthly 6.30pm, meeting commences 7.30pm

CHAIRMAN: Owen Duthie, Ph 021 294 2158.
SECRETARY: Barry Anderson, Ph 027 485 2032
BRANCH EMAIL: waimate@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: 4 Harris St, Waimate 7924
CLUBROOMS: 4 Harris St, Waimate
MEETINGS: 3rd Thursday monthly 7.30pm

CHAIRMAN: Graham Hodder, Ph, 06 308 9087 or 027 226 3738
SECRETARY: Michael D’Alton, Ph:021 137 2395,
BRANCH EMAIL: wairarapa@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: 24B Nikau Heights, Lansdowne, Masterton 5810
CLUBROOMS: Clareville Complex, Clareville
MEETINGS: 1st Monday monthly, 7.30pm (except June – 2nd Monday and January – no meeting)

CHAIRMAN: Rob Chapman Ph 021 038 3281
SECRETARY: Jacqui Goldingham Ph 09 445 8811
BRANCH EMAIL: waitemata@vcc.org.nz
POST ADDRESS: c/- 7 Bulwer Street, Devonport, Auckland 0624.
MEETINGS: 1st Tuesday monthly (except January) 8pm, Albany Village Hall, Cnr Albany Highway and Library Lane, Albany, Auckland. Click here to see our location map.
WEBSITE: Waitemata.org

CHAIRMAN: Andrew Dittmer, Ph 0273 796 969
SECRETARY: Frank James,  Ph 06 344 2221
BRANCH EMAIL: wanganui@vcc.org.nz
FACEBOOK: wanganui vintage car club
CLUBROOMS: Patapu St, Wanganui East
MEETINGS: 1st Wednesday monthly 7.30pm (Clubnight)

CHAIRMAN: Phil Kidd, Ph 04 528 9897
SECRETARY: Alastair McCarthy, Ph 04 589 8248
BRANCH EMAIL: wellington@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 38418, Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045,
CLUBROOMS: Halford Pl, Jackson St East, Petone, Wellington
MEETINGS: 3rd Tuesday monthly, 7.30pm
WEBSITE: www.sporty.co.nz/wellingtonvcc

CHAIRMAN: Leon Salt,
SECRETARY: Jim Flewitt, Ph: 0272 939 414
BRANCH EMAIL: wellsfordwarkworth@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: PO Box 547, Warkworth 0941
MEETINGS: Club Night 2nd Thursday monthly (5.00pm), at Clubrooms, Satellite Station Road, Warkworth 

CHAIRMAN: John Canning, Ph 0273 064 918
SECRETARY: Maria Giles,Ph 03 768 6047
BRANCH EMAIL: westcoast@vcc.org.nz
BRANCH POST ADDRESS: C/- Shantytown, 316 Rutherglen Road, Rutherglen. Greymouth 7805
CLUBROOMS: Shantytown, 310 Rutherglen Rd, Paroa, Greymouth 7805
MEETINGS: 1st Thursday monthly ex January, 7.30pm

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